Why a connection list?
Meaningful connections are built on three key components: people, shared activities, and time. These are not always easy to find but everyone has something to offer and something they want—that's the ideas behind this list.

How it works
1. Describe the type of activity you want to do with others: casual for hobbies and leisure, or professional for work and business.
2. From the list below, find an activity you'd like to join, send it to me, and I'll confirm with the person who posted it to connect you. Similarly, if someone is interested in your activities, I'll try to connect you both. Your information remains private until the connection is made.
3. I may also check if any two people have matching interests and contact both people to connect them.

Select the button below to complete the Google form and join the list. Contact me if you have any questions.
Join the list
People searching for connections
Casual Interests Professional Interests
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